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中华胸部外科电子杂志 ›› 2019, Vol. 06 ›› Issue (01) : 6 -11. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-8773.2019.01.02

所属专题: 文献


周雪涛1, 谢泽新1, 陈孟晖1, 梁政1, 杨杨1, 张国亮1, 张东升1,()   
  1. 1. 050000 石家庄市第三医院心胸外科
  • 收稿日期:2018-12-10 出版日期:2019-02-28
  • 通信作者: 张东升

Clinical experience of minimally invasive surgery for patients with multiple fractures of ribs

Xuetao Zhou1, Zexin Xie1, Menghui Chen1, Zheng Liang1, Yang Yang1, Guoliang Zhang1, Dongsheng Zhang1,()   

  1. 1. Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, The Third Hospital of Shijiazhuang, Shijiazhuang 050000, China
  • Received:2018-12-10 Published:2019-02-28
  • Corresponding author: Dongsheng Zhang
  • About author:
    Corresponding author: Zhang Dongsheng , Email:

周雪涛, 谢泽新, 陈孟晖, 梁政, 杨杨, 张国亮, 张东升. 多发性肋骨骨折微创手术治疗体会[J]. 中华胸部外科电子杂志, 2019, 06(01): 6-11.

Xuetao Zhou, Zexin Xie, Menghui Chen, Zheng Liang, Yang Yang, Guoliang Zhang, Dongsheng Zhang. Clinical experience of minimally invasive surgery for patients with multiple fractures of ribs[J]. Chinese Journal of Thoracic Surgery(Electronic Edition), 2019, 06(01): 6-11.






全组无死亡病例,手术时间40~180 min,平均手术时间103 min,手术出血量20~150 ml,平均手术出血量83 ml。术后12例患者因呼吸功能不全,送ICU过渡,1~5d顺利拔出气管插管、脱离呼吸机,转回普通病房。多数患者术后胸痛明显缓解,短期可停用镇痛药物,生活质量明显改善。术后复查显示内固定物塑形良好,胸廓成型良好,与对侧胸廓基本对称。切口脂肪液化、感染患者11例,均经短期换药治愈。出院后每月随访,连续3个月,无明显胸部不适,骨折断端愈合良好。




To explore minimally invasive surgery treatments for patients with multiple fractures of ribs.


A retrospective analysis of the clinical data of 260 patients with multiple fractures of ribs who were admitted to the Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, the Third Hospital of Shijiazhuang, from March 2015 to September 2018 was performed.The intraoperative and postoperative indicators were observed.


Among all cases, no death occurred.The mean operative time was 103 min (40-180 min)and the mean operative blood loss was 83 ml(20-150 ml). 12 cases were transferred to ICU due to respiratory insufficiency, and after about 1-5 days’ care, endotracheal intubations could be pulled out and ventilators could be removed, the patients thus were transferred back to regular room.Chest pain was relieved remarkably in most patients, and some could stop using analgesics in a short period. Postoperative reexamination showed that all internal fixators were in good shape and thoracic contours were well formed, basically symmetrical with contralateral thoracic contours. Incisional fat liquefaction occurred in 11 cases, and all were cured by short-term dressing change. After 3 months’ follow-up, no obvious chest discomfort occurred and rib fractures were cured.Monthly follow-up after discharge, 3 months in a row, no obvious chest discomfort, fracture healing good.


On the basis of anatomic characteristics of thoracic cavity, minimally invasive surgery for rib fractures should be designed and performed differently according to the different injured part of body , the condition of fractured ribs, with different incision and anatomical dissociation to protect the surrounding nerves and blood vessels. Also, 3D printing techniques and endoscopic techniques can also be used together with minimally invasive techniques in the internal fixation procedure to perfectly restore thoracic morphology.

图1 腋下区肋骨骨折切口选择及组织保护。A.腋下近腋窝处纵形切口;B.腋下区下部斜切口;C.腋下区下部纵形切口;D.腋下近腋窝处纵形切口;E.腋下近腋窝处纵形切口解剖性游离及组织保护;F.腋下切口肋骨骨折内固定术后复查胸片恢复良好
图2 胛骨覆盖区及后背部骨折。A.经听诊三角纵形切口;B.经听诊三角纵形切口解剖性游离及组织保护;C.经听诊三角纵形切口术后复查胸片恢复良好;D、E.胸腔镜辅助下应用Matrix RIB:MIPO行内固定
图3 近脊柱区骨折手术技巧。A.竖脊肌旁纵形切口;B.经竖脊肌旁纵切口解剖性游离及组织保护;C.竖脊肌旁纵切口术毕图像
图4 复杂肋骨骨折手术方法技巧。A.胸大肌覆盖区肋骨骨折;B.胸大肌外缘切口纵形切口联合前正中线切口建立肋骨表面隧道;C.应用Matrix RIB: MIPO行内固定;D.累及胸大肌覆盖区及肩胛骨覆盖区长段粉碎肋骨骨折;E.术前建立3D肋骨模型并预塑形接骨板;F.术后复查胸片显示恢复良好;G.累及肋软骨及肋弓的骨折;H.术前建立3D肋骨模型并预塑形接骨板;I.累及肋软骨及肋弓骨折置入锁定板后效果;J.累及肋软骨及肋弓骨折患者术后复查胸片显示效果良好
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