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中华胸部外科电子杂志 ›› 2021, Vol. 08 ›› Issue (01) : 21 -35. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-8773.2021.01.05

所属专题: 文献


孙益鑫1, 崔松平1, 李辉1,(), 刘毅1, 柯立晖1   
  1. 1. 100020 北京,首都医科大学附属北京朝阳医院胸外科
  • 收稿日期:2020-11-04 修回日期:2021-02-10 接受日期:2021-02-21 出版日期:2021-02-28
  • 通信作者: 李辉

Efficacy and safety of the anticoagulation prophylaxis on perioperative venous thromboembolism in thoracic surgery based on propensity score matching

Yixin Sun1, Songping Cui1, Hui Li1,(), Yi Liu1, Lihui Ke1   

  1. 1. Department of Thoracic Surgery, Beijing Chaoyang Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100020, China
  • Received:2020-11-04 Revised:2021-02-10 Accepted:2021-02-21 Published:2021-02-28
  • Corresponding author: Hui Li

孙益鑫, 崔松平, 李辉, 刘毅, 柯立晖. 基于倾向性评分匹配法探讨肺外科围手术期静脉血栓栓塞症预防性抗凝的有效性及安全性[J]. 中华胸部外科电子杂志, 2021, 08(01): 21-35.

Yixin Sun, Songping Cui, Hui Li, Yi Liu, Lihui Ke. Efficacy and safety of the anticoagulation prophylaxis on perioperative venous thromboembolism in thoracic surgery based on propensity score matching[J]. Chinese Journal of Thoracic Surgery(Electronic Edition), 2021, 08(01): 21-35.






共纳入645例接受肺部手术的患者,其中142例患者围手术期应用预防性抗凝药物,总预防用药率为22.0%(142/645)。按改良Caprini风险评估量表将患者VTE风险分层为低危(≤4分)、中危(5~8分)与高危(≥9分),其预防性抗凝比例分别为6.6%(12/182),26.8%(117/436)和48.1%(13/27)。其中48.6%的患者(69/142)抗凝1~3天,33.1%的患者(47/142)抗凝4~6天,18.3%(26/142)的患者抗凝时长达7天以上。经PSM匹配后,成功匹配108对预防组患者与对照组患者:预防组VTE发生率为8.3%(9/108);对照组发生率为17.6%(19/108);预防组VTE发生率明显低于对照组(χ2=4.103,P<0.05)。Caprini评分中危风险患者中,预防组VTE发生率为7.8%(7/90),而对照组高达17.6%(16/91),预防组明显低于对照组(χ2=3.921,P<0.05);低危风险和高危风险患者中,预防组与对照组的VTE发生率差异则无统计学意义(P>0.05)。恶性肿瘤患者中,预防组患者VTE发生率为9.4%(8/85),对照组为19.1%(17/86),差异未见明显统计学意义(P=0.060);良性疾病患者中,预防组与对照组患者VTE发生率差异无统计学意义(4.3% vs 10.5%,P=0.599)。治疗安全性方面,两组患者术后均未出现严重出血、失血性休克及血流动力学改变事件;经PSM匹配后的两组患者手术时长、术中出血量、术后D-二聚体水平、胸腔引流量、住院时长及总住院费用方面,差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。




To evaluate the efficacy and the safety of the prophylaxis of perioperative venous thromboembolism (VTE) in thoracic surgery by comparing the incidence of VTE between patients who have taken anticoagulation measures and those who haven’t.


Retrospective research was conducted on patients who underwent lung surgeries in Beijing Chaoyang Hospital from July 2016 to December 2017. The patients were divided into an anticoagulant group in which the patients received preventative anticoagulant measures during the hospitalization, and a control group, in which the patients didn’t. Because of the great bundle of confounding bias between the two groups, propensity score matching (PSM) was used as a way to minimize the influence of such bias. One hundred and eight pairs of patients were successfully matched by the ratio of 1:1 with the caliper set to 0.2. The difference in VTE incidence, hemorrhage event incidence, thoracic drainage, hospitalization length and total fare were compared between the two groups, so that the efficacy and the safety of the preventative prophylaxis of perioperative venous thromboembolism could be evaluated.


A total of 645 patients were enrolled in the study, 22.0% of which (142/645) received preventative perioperative anticoagulant. Modified Caprini risk score was applied to evaluate the VTE risk, ≤4 is low risk, 5-8 medium risk, ≥9 high risk. The percentage of patients who received anticoagulant measures was 6.6% (12/182) in low Caprini risk patients, 26.8% (117/436) in medium Caprini risk patients, 48.1% (13/27) in high Caprini risk patients. Of which 48.6% (69/142) of the patients received anticoagulant measures for only 1-3 days before discharge, 33.1% (47/142) for 4-6 days, and 18.3% for more than 7 days. After PSM matching, 108 pairs of patients were successfully matched by the ratio of 1:1: 8.3% (9/108) in the anticoagulation group developed VTE postoperatively, while 17.6% (19/108) in the non-anticoagulation group (χ2=4.103, P<0.05). Among medium Caprini risk patients, 7.8% (7/90) of anticoagulation group patients developed VTE while 17.6% (16/91) for non-anticoagulation group (χ2=3.921, P<0.05) . There was no significant difference in VTE incidence of low Caprini risk or high Caprini risk patients between the two groups. In malignant tumor patients, there was no significant difference in VTE incidence between the two groups (9.4% vs 19.1%, P=0.060) . In benign disease patients, there was no significant difference in VTE incidence between the two groups (4.3% vs 10.5%, P=0.599) . No postoperative hemorrhage event was observed in all the patients. And there was no significant difference between patients who took anticoagulation preoperatively and patients who didn’t take in items of operation time and operation hemorrhage (P>0.05) . No significant difference in postoperative D-dimer level, thoracic drainage, length of postoperative hospitalization and total fare was observed between patients who took anticoagulation perioperatively and patients who didn’t (P>0.05) .


Perioperative anticoagulation can reduce the incidence of VTE in patients who take lung surgeries. Medium Caprini risk patients can benefit from it especially. And perioperative anticoagulation doesn’t increase the operation risk preoperatively or postoperatively. More patients with VTE risks should be considered to receive anticoagulation measures respectively according to their VTE risk level calculated by Caprini risk scale.

表1 经改良Caprini风险评估量表
图1 抗凝时长分布
表2 匹配前预防组与对照组基线特征对比
项目 抗凝组(n=142) 未抗凝组(n=503) Z/t/χ2 P
性别(%)     2.102 0.147
  男性 84(59.2) 263(52.3)    
  女性 58(40.8) 240(47.7)    
年龄(岁) 64.21±0.75 53.04±0.64 -9.168 <0.001
年龄分层(%)     64.111 <0.001
  <40 2(1.4) 81(16.1)    
  40~59 40(28.2) 237(47.1)    
  60~74 83(58.5) 171(34.0)    
  ≥75 17(12.0) 14(2.8)    
BMI(kg/m2 24.53±0.26 23.33±0.16 -3.748 <0.001
BMI分层(%)     8.311 0.016
  <25 81(57.0) 351(69.8)    
  25~30 53(37.3) 135(26.8)    
  >30 8(1.6) 17(3.4)    
心脑血管支架(%)     84.484 <0.001
  + 23(16.2) 0(0)    
  - 119(83.9) 503(100)    
房颤(%)     24.279 <0.001
  + 8(5.6) 0(0)    
  - 134(94.4) 503(100)    
脑梗病史(%)     11.664 0.010
  + 10(7.0) 7(1.4)    
  - 132(93.0) 496(98.6)    
高血压(%)     40.417 <0.001
  + 68(47.9) 106(21.1)    
  - 74(52.1) 397(78.9)    
冠心病(%)     71.731 <0.001
  + 37(26.1) 18(3.6)    
  - 105(74.0) 485(96.4)    
糖尿病(%)     6.911 0.009
  + 27(19.0) 54(10.3)    
  - 115(81.0) 449(89.2)    
既往VTE病史     / 0.220
  + 1(0.7) 0(0)    
  - 141(99.3) 503(100)    
PE家族史     / 0.220
  + 1(0.7) 0(0)    
  - 141(99.3) 503(100)    
恶性肿瘤病史(%)     0.318 0.573
  + 10(7.0) 29(5.8)    
  - 132(93.0) 474(94.2)    
手术方式(%)     9.439 0.002
  胸腔镜 103(72.5) 422(83.9)    
  开胸 39(27.5) 81(16.1)    
切除术式(%)     19.795 <0.001
  楔形/肺段 22(15.5) 166(33.0)    
  肺叶 115(81.0) 332(66.0)    
  全肺 5(3.5) 5(1.0)    
手术时长(min) 177.94±5.04 141.96±2.83 -8.265 <0.001
术中出血(mL) 206.94±22.03 156.01±12.11 8.311 0.016
良恶性(%)     29.909 0.000
  良性 27(19.0) 223(44.3)    
  恶性 115(81.0) 280(55.7)    
严重的肺部疾病(%)     0.150 0.698
  + 39(27.5) 130(25.8)    
  - 103(72.5) 373(74.2)    
COPD(%)     10.300 0.001
  + 45(31.7) 96(18.4)    
  - 97(68.3) 407(80.9)    
静脉曲张(%)     0.752 0.386
  + 7(4.9) 15(3.0)    
  - 135(95.1) 488(97.0)    
卧床≥72 h(%)     3.125 0.077
  + 5(3.5) 5(1.0)    
  - 137(96.5) 498(99.0)    
置入中央静脉导管(%)     2.229 0.135
  + 4(2.8) 4(0.8)    
  - 138(97.2) 499(99.2)    
接受化疗(%)     0.050 0.823
  + 1(0.7) 7(1.4)    
  - 141(99.3) 496(98.6)    
ASA分级(%)     18.525 <0.001
  1~2分 115(81.0) 468(93.0)    
  3~5分 27(19.0) 35(7.0)    
Caprini风险分层(%)     41.581 0.000
  低危≤4分 12(8.5) 170(33.8)    
  中危5~8分 117(82.4) 319(63.4)    
  高危≥9分 13(9.2) 14(2.8)    
血小板PLT≥350 000/mm3(%)     0.010 0.975
  + 8(5.6) 128(90.1)    
  - 134(94.4) 475(94.4)    
血红蛋白HB<10 g/dL或使用促红素(%)     0.681 0.409
  + 3(2.1) 6(11.9)    
  - 139(97.9) 497(98.8)    
白细胞>11 000/mm3(%)     1.990 0.158
  + 10(7.0) 21(4.2)    
  - 132(93.0) 482(95.8)    
肌间静脉扩张(%)     5.776 0.016
  + 41(28.9) 98(19.5)    
  - 101(71.1) 405(80.5)    
FEV1 2.300±0.050 2.550±0.028 -4.128 0.000
吸烟指数≥400(%)     15.163 0.000
  + 57(40.1) 119(23.7)    
  - 85(59.9) 384(76.3)    
图2 匹配前后各变量标准差异|d|值分布
表3 匹配后预防组与对照组基线特征对比
项目 抗凝组(n=108) 未抗凝组(n=108) Z/t/χ2 P |d|值
性别(%)     0.019 0.891 0.139 0.171
  男性 59(55.6) 60(55.6)        
  女性 49(44.4) 48(44.4)        
年龄(%)     0.185 0.980 1.210 0.025
  <40 2(1.9) 2(1.9)        
  40~59 33(30.6) 31(28.7)        
  60~74 63(58.3) 66(61.1)        
  ≥75 10(9.3) 9(8.3)        
BMI(%)     0.750 0.687 0.248 0.031
  <25 kg/m2 61(56.5) 66(61.1)        
  25~30 kg/m2 40(37.0) 34(31.5)        
  >30 kg/m2 7(6.5) 8(7.4)        
心脑血管支架(%)     0.498 0.249 0.438 0.010
  + 2(1.9) 0(0)        
  - 106(98.1) 108(100)        
房颤(%)     1.000 0.500 0.243 0.004
  + 1(0.9) 0(0)        
  - 107(99.1) 108(100)        
脑梗病史(%)     0.000 1 0.220 0.000
  + 5(4.6) 5(4.6)        
  - 103(95.4) 103(95.4)        
高血压(%)     0.195 0.659 0.535 0.025
  + 42(38.9.) 46(42.6)        
  - 64(59.3) 62(57.4)        
冠心病(%)     0.049 0.825 0.510 0.042
  + 12(11.1) 11(10.2)        
  - 96(88.9) 97(89.8)        
糖尿病(%)     0.133 0.715 0.210 0.047
  + 17(15.7) 19(17.6)        
  - 91(84.3) 89(82.4)        
既往VTE病史     1.000 0.500 0.084 0.111
  + 1(0.9) 0(0)        
  - 107(99.1) 108(100)        
PE家族史     1.000 0.500 0.084 0.111
  + 1(0.9) 0(0)        
  - 107(99.1) 108(100)        
恶性肿瘤病史(%)     1.216 0.270 0.050 0.018
  + 9(8.3) 14(13.0)        
  - 99(91.7) 94(87.0)        
手术方式(%)     0.024 0.877 0.254 0.042
  胸腔镜 79(73.1) 80(74.1)        
  开胸 29(26.9) 28(25.9)        
切除术式(%)     0.170 0.918 0.476 0.022
  楔形/段 18(16.7) 19(17.6)        
  肺叶 86(79.6) 86(79.6)        
  全肺 4(3.7) 3(2.8)        
手术时长(min) 174.56±5.68 167.70±5.03 -0.932 0.351 0.599 0.113
术中出血(mL) 197.55±27.33 182.22±21.13 -0.095 0.925 0.194 0.020
良恶性(%)     0.473 0.492 0.643 0.047
  良性 23(21.3) 21(19.8)        
  恶性 85(78.7) 87(80.6)        
严重的肺部疾病(%)     0.596 0.440 0.036 0.042
  + 23(21.3) 19(17.6)        
  - 85(78.7) 89(82.4)        
慢性非阻塞性肺疾病(%)     0.082 0.774 0.270 0.040
  + 31(28.7) 26(24.1)        
  - 77(71.3) 82(75.9)        
静脉曲张(%)     0.000 1.000 0.090 0.000
  + 7(6.5) 7(6.5)        
  - 101(93.5) 101(93.5)        
卧床≥72 h(%)     1.000 0.500 0.137 0.050
  + 4(3.7) 3(2.7)        
  - 104(96.3) 105(97.2)        
PICC置管(%)     0.621 0.311 0.122 0.056
  + 3(2.7) 1(0.9)        
  - 105(97.2) 107(99.1)        
接受化疗(%)     0.000 1.000 0.082 0.000
  + 1(0.9) 1(0.9)        
  - 107(99.1) 107(99.1)        
ASA分级(%)     0.045 0.832 0.306 0.119
  1~2分 95(88.0) 96(88.9)        
  3~5分 13(12.0) 12(11.1)        
Caprini风险分层(%)     0.064 0.968 0.753 0.044
  低危 9(8.3) 8(7.4)        
  中危 90(83.3) 91(84.3)        
  高危 9(8.3) 9(8.3)        
血小板≥350 000/mm3(%)     0.072 0.789 0.003 0.081
  + 7(6.5) 8(7.4)        
  - 101(93.5) 100(92.6)        
血红蛋白<10 g/dL或使用促红素(%)     0.280 0.140 0.036 0.065
  + 2(2.1) 6(11.9)        
  - 106(97.9) 102(98.8)        
白细胞>11 000/mm3(%)     0.082 0.775 0.112 0.118
  + 7(6.5) 6(5.6)        
  - 101(93.5) 102(94.4)        
肌间静脉扩张(%)     0.034 0.854 0.206 0.041
  + 17(15.7) 18(16.7)        
  - 91(84.3) 90(83.3)        
FEV1 2.310±0.05 2.260±0.057 0.622 0.534 0.421 0.083
吸烟指数≥400(%)     0.081 0.773 0.335 0.057
  + 37(34.3) 39(36.1)        
  - 71(65.7) 69(63.9)        
表4 匹配后两组间患者术后相关情况
表5 未经匹配的Caprini中危抗凝患者与未抗凝患者术中相关情况
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