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中华胸部外科电子杂志 ›› 2018, Vol. 05 ›› Issue (02) : 85 -90. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-8773.2018.02.04

所属专题: 文献


李志刚1,(), 张晓彬1, 郭旭峰1, 孙益峰1, 杨煜1, 李斌1, 顾海勇1, 华荣1, 茅腾1   
  1. 1. 200030 上海交通大学附属胸科医院胸外科 上海交通大学食管疾病诊治中心
  • 收稿日期:2018-01-20 出版日期:2018-05-28
  • 通信作者: 李志刚

Surgical treatment of cervical esophageal cancer: larynx-preserving esophagectomy with limited margin VS. total laryngectomy

Zhigang Li1,(), Xiaobin Zhang1, Xufeng Guo1, Yifeng Sun1, Yu Yang1, Bin Li1, Haiyong Gu1, Rong Hua1, Teng Mao1   

  1. 1. Department of Thoracic Surgery, Section of Esophageal Surgery, Shanghai Chest Hospital, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai 200030, China
  • Received:2018-01-20 Published:2018-05-28
  • Corresponding author: Zhigang Li
  • About author:
    Corresponding author: Li Zhigang, Email:

李志刚, 张晓彬, 郭旭峰, 孙益峰, 杨煜, 李斌, 顾海勇, 华荣, 茅腾. 保喉食管切除治疗颈段食管癌有限切缘与全喉切除疗效比较[J]. 中华胸部外科电子杂志, 2018, 05(02): 85-90.

Zhigang Li, Xiaobin Zhang, Xufeng Guo, Yifeng Sun, Yu Yang, Bin Li, Haiyong Gu, Rong Hua, Teng Mao. Surgical treatment of cervical esophageal cancer: larynx-preserving esophagectomy with limited margin VS. total laryngectomy[J]. Chinese Journal of Thoracic Surgery(Electronic Edition), 2018, 05(02): 85-90.










To study the short-term results of larynx-preserving esophagectomy for cervical esophageal cancer.


A total of 35 patients with cervical esophageal squamous cell carcinoma undergoing surgical resection in Shanghai Chest Hospital from 2015 to 2017 were reviewed. 28 cases of larynx-preserving cervical or subtotal esophagectomy (LPE group) were selected as study subjects. 7 cases with cervical esophageal cancer undergoing fully laryngo-pharyngo-esophagectomy (TLPE group) and 88 cases with upper thoracic esophageal cancer (UTE group) were studied as control group.


The average age of the LPE group was 61 years and the male were 96.4%. Except for one case of jejunum interposition, the stomach was chosen for conduit generally (96.4%). T3 patients accounted for 57.1%, and lymph node metastasis rate was 53.6% in LPE group. The R0 resection rate was 60.7%, and the R1 resection rate was 13.1% (positive proximal resection margin). The postoperative complications of TPLE, LPE and UTE were 42.9%, 25.0%, and 21.6%, respectively. With a median follow-up of 14.3 months, the recurrence rates of TPLE, LPE, and UTE were respectively 16.7%, 11.8%, and 23.1%. The mortality rates were 14.3%, 21.4%, and 17.0%, respectively.


larynx-preserving esophagectomy for cervical esophageal cancer can obtain safe perioperative recovery and possible long-term survival in patients with R0 resection. A positive proximal margin does not affect the survival outcome.

图1 分组流程图。TLPE:全喉咽食管切除;LPE:保喉的颈段食管或次全食管切除;UTE:上胸段食管癌切除
表1 三组患者临床基本资料比较
表2 三组患者术后病理和肿瘤切除情况比较[n(%)]
表3 术后并发症发生情况[n(%)]
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